Tim Fielding's SOMA figures T1001-1025 |
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The whole family 1001 - 1300 plus page art as of Sep 14, 2021 From Tim Fielding. These 100 figures are mostly a result of Covid-19 quarantining in place without a vaccine in 2020, and a good portion of 2021. So what was I supposed to do? Watched a lot of TV, and broke out the SOMA cube, naturally. Now I'm Vaccinated and still making figures, only because I want to, not because of quarantined boredom. /SOMA-T1001 ;Stairway to Heaven /.1/.1/.7/77/.5/.5 /../.1/26/27/22/55 /../../.6/66/.4/.4 /../../../.4/.4/.3 /../../../../.3/.3 /../../../../../.3 /SOMA-T1002 ;Stairway to Heaven II /.1/.1/.2/.2/.4/.4 /../.1/.2/74/.4/.6 /../../72/77/65/66 /../../../55/.5/.3 /../../../../.3/.3 /../../../../../.3 /SOMA-T1003 /..553/..2.. /14453/22253 /11443/6.7.. /667../677.. /SOMA-T1004 ;imperfect perfection /....7/...77/..333/.1234/11222 /...../....7/....4/....4/...66 /...../...../....4/....6/....6 /...../...../...../....5/....5 /...../...../...../...../...55 /SOMA-T1005 ;the tick /.222./.247. /.547./55477 /.546./.136. /..3../11366 /...../..3.. /SOMA-T1006 ;1/4th of a castle /.4.3/.453/.553 /..../.453/.472 /.1.2/6172/6772 /..../.1../66.. /SOMA-T1007 /..../..3./.33./.43. /..7./.277/.222/.445 /..../..7./6655/6145 /..../..../.6../11.. /SOMA-T1008 /...32/...32/...32 /...11/...31/.5562 /...../.56../4566. /...../..7../4477. /...../...../.47.. /SOMA-T1009 /..6443/226644 /..6753/2.1..3 /..7753/211755 /SOMA-T1010 /.6.../66... /.247./6377. /.244./3337. /.2245/..115 /...../..155 /SOMA-T1011 /15632/55222 /15633/166.4 /...37/...44 /...77/...47 /SOMA-T1012 ; the diablo I /2../2../2../7../6../6.. /.../11./21./77./75./66. /..3/.33/.43/.44/.54/.55 ...The toughest thing, is getting a vision of a figure in a dream you just had, then spending twenty minutes to two hours in the morning trying to make the thing. /SOMA-T1013 ;the diablo II /3../33./34./11./17./77. /.../.4./.4./.6./.5./.7. /..2/.42/.22/.66/.56/.55 ...ditto! /SOMA-T1014 ;the diablo III /.7./77./66./36./33./32. /.../.7./.1./.6./.5./.2. /.4./.44/.14/.15/.55/.22 /SOMA-T1015 ;combine harvester /.447./.377. /.344./.3.7. /.222./.3.2. /.615./66155 /...../6.1.5 /SOMA-T1016 ;scorpion /..2../..2.. /...../..2.. /...../..2.. /...../.333. /...../.731. /.741./.771. /.645./66455 /...../6.4.5 /SOMA-T1017 /../36/66 /../33/6. /../35/55 /22/25/2. /../77/47 /../47/4. /../14/11 /SOMA-T1018 ;social distancing couch (covid-19 be dammed!) /../.2 /55/52 /.2/52 /77/37 /.7/33 /11/34 /.1/44 /66/46 /../.6 /SOMA-T1019 ;wide podium /5577/4667 /4567/4563 /4113/21.3 /..../2223 /SOMA-T1020 ;double podium /.44.66./4432211 /.73.65./7732651 /......./.73255. /SOMA-T1021 ;las vegas hotel and pool /77../37../35../36../46.. /.7../55../35../66../44.. /..../..../..../..../.411 /..../..../..../..../.2.1 /..../..../..../..../.222 /SOMA-T1022 /.77/.37/.35/.32/.42/.42 /..7/.55/.35/.42/.46/.66 /.../.../.../.../.../16. /.../.../.../.../.../11. /SOMA-T1023 ;fly me to the moon I /..2/..2/.72/775/455/446/.41 /.../.../..2/.75/.63/.66/.11 /.../.../.../..3/..3/..3/... /SOMA-T1024 ;fly me to the moon II /..7/.77/.55/.15/112/662/6.2 /.../..7/.54/.44/.42/.63/... /.../.../.../.../..3/..3/..3 /SOMA-T1025 /...77/66.47/65.41/33311 /....7/.6.22/55.42/53.42